Monday, August 22, 2011

Still Clean After 3 Weeks

How has it been 3 weeks since I last posted? The good news is that work continued a bit, even if the writing hasn't kept up. The bad news: summer ended and the job isn't done. Well, I'm not gonna worry about that, I'm gonna stick to the good news part.

So, in the 3 weeks since I actually cleaned my bathroom, it has managed to stay that way. No spiderwebs, or mold on the ceiling, or gunk in the corners. Still bright and shiny! I even took the kids away for a week in early August, and when I came home and went to put my toiletries away I was a bit surprised to see my clean bathroom - I had forgotten how nice it looked.

However, it was no small feat in getting it there. After the day and a half of de-cluttering, I got out the chemicals, cranked up the fan, opened the window and got to the dirty work. There was lots of spraying and scrubbing and rinsing and then repeating it all over again. About 4 hours worth. By the end, my arms were SORE!!! Like, not being able to lift them over my head kind of sore. Still, after it was all said and done, taking shower in the super-clean bathroom felt great. Still does, every day.

Here is my clean sink.....

Here are the cabinets before and after...

The rest looks pretty great too, but you'll just have to take my word for it, 'cause I feel funny putting pictures of my bathroom up on the web. Somehow, talking about my daughter's underwear collection is ok, but showing the world my face soap seems a little too private. Whatever. At least it's clean.

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