The closet turned out to be a challenge all it's own. See the previous entry for the crazy things I found in there.
But the dining room was not too bad. Lots of little mementos to figure out what to do with, and an astonishing amount of clutter on the table. Still in only a few hours, I got all the stuff put away, and filled one garbage bag with junk. If I can find the super glue, I need to fix up a few little things that were in a shoe box waiting to be put back together.
The hardest part was the actual cleaning - sticky piano keys, splatter of a spilled milk all over the legs of the table and chairs. I am considering putting up velvet ropes to keep the kids out of here now that it's done.
But I won't. In fact, the opposite has happened. In the week since it has been clean, the family has eaten 3 or 4 meals in there. It's pretty darn nice. No clutter creeping in on us, no toys or junk on the table to distract my already-slow eaters, and nice views of the front trees through the clean windows. I could really get used to this.
Looks amazing! I forgot about that cool tile in your front entry way.