Well, back over Labor Day weekend I cleaned out the laundry room and little alcove that is like a pantry/dog feeding area. I just never took the time to sit down and write about it. These rooms together aren't very much space - probably 6 x 12 feet combined, but there are lots of cabinets and shelves and counters and stuff. Many of which haven't seen the light of day in awhile.
Dryer before... |
I did the Laundry room first. Just putting away all the things hanging on the rack where we hang shirts and "no dryer" things to dry made the room seem bigger. But, it also meant I had to iron like 7 shirts and a pair of linen pants. I busted out the ironing board, turned on the US Open, and got to it.
...and after! |
Then there was the washer and dryer under the hanging bar. There were a few things that had been sitting and waiting for the dry cleaner (for like 8 months), and a lot of gunk. The combination of laundry soap film and clothes lint that had settled on those appliances was gross, and took more than a quick swipe with a rag to clean up. In my wildest room-cleaning dreams, using spray cleaner on the inside of my washing machine had never come to mind. But, here I was, elbows deep, getting the inside of my washer clean. Made me wonder how clean my clothes were getting. So, I ran a load with all the rags I used to clean it, and a bit of bleach to make sure the last of it was washed down the drain.
the clean inside of my washer |
For the cleaning here, I started by putting all the office stuff in my new "office supplies" section of the toy room closet, and the bigger files in the file cabinet. Then, I threw away any expired food. Apparently, I must buy graham crackers to make s'mores every time we go on vacation and then bring the rest of the box home, as I had like 5 boxes of stale graham crackers hogging shelf space. By the time I had those things done, there was an entire empty shelf. I am sure this will come in handy when I am cleaning out the kitchen.
All that was left was a generous wash down of the shelves and the dog food tubs and I'd be done. Oh, yeah, wait - and the kitchen trash can. That can was gross. Dusty and with little scraps of wrappers that stuck in the crevices. The fact that it's called "stainless steel" is completely a mis-nomer, as this thing had splatter marks all over it. So, I dragged it outside with a bucket of Pinesol and some rubber gloves, and got to work. I scrubbed it inside and out; lid, liner, can, all of it. Then, I left it in the sun to dry. Much better. And, now it looks right at home in my cleaned up room.
The big score of this round of cleaning - a vintage Neiman Marcus black patten leather purse with the tags still on it that I found with the coolers. Must have come from Kevin's grandma's house when she passed away. I like it though, and may just use it as my purse this fall.